May 22, 2009 journal, fascist phony socialistic democracy second phase now in progress. When the label changes from Republican to Democrat the "Right" plays the blame game. Nothing has changed in the Secret Orders of demonic power of universal secret control. Let us face the facts and stop making saints out of sinners less we endorse ungodliness. Dick Cheney's showing out just what a jackass he really can be. The sooner Dick & George are behind bars the better off the world will be. I believe we will see it happen. Cheney was only trying to get false confessions out of detainee's to justify the Iraqi war. One was water boarded 180 times and have permanent physical damage while another one committed suicide. One confessed to planning the attack on America and that is a big joke but they needed somebody to confess to that expecting the world to believe it. Professionals warning that water boarding confessions are unreliable were all ignored. Thousands of Moslems would be willing to confess to the attack but none of them did it. Was it really suicide or murder to quit him? Of course water boarding is torture, always has been no matter what dicks daughter says. A disc jockey tried it yesterday and only last for 6 seconds. Keith Olbermann offered to pay $1,000 per second to that coward Sean Hannity of Fox News who offered to be water boarded but then backed out. America lies in shame for having committed horrendous atrocities and failing so far to prosecute the guilty all the way to the top of that pyramid. I would not be surprised to see total turmoil in this country by the end of this year and police mutiny as American citizens will be forced to take sides and protect themselves. The secret briefing of the U.S. Congress February 2008 probably predicted it all right. Why are we still talking politics when there is no difference in either winnable candidate or party. The Secret Orders compiled by retired Air Force colonel & medical doctor Frank Bernard Osteen are amazingly accurate. I would like to meet with him in the near future. The tarp funds bailout went to the Wall Street capitalist with the approval of both parties but now as I figured it has become a political football in that everything the new president does is radical liberalism. What a hypocritical position to take. The stimulus funds they say will bankrupt the nation and I agree but the nation was bankrupted in 1933 by the Federal Reserve and earlier actually. Why play this political game any longer because it is coming to a head when everything in commerce will come to a sudden halt and people will kill each other over food. The dollar has now begin to drop again as they are trying to prop it up daily as they are the stock market but it is out of control with unemployment rising by the minute. We should not forget that God Almighty is in charge and we should not give flavor to Caesar as Lord. The economic disaster is fully in line with biblical time. Every household should prepare for the bitter storm that is visible on the global horizon. Just take the list of culprits from the Pawns in the Game Book Review and keep adding names-Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld and all the late model idiots operating under the guise of the Republican right wing. I would not want my name to ever be associated with any of these characters. Cheney was president for eight years peddling fear to enrich his gang. You cannot win an argument over these people who keep changing the rules but they cannot change the international treaties signed against torture. Cheney thinks the more he screams security the more American right wing church folks will sympathize with him. One commentator said we will never win the war in Afghanistan until we quit bombing. Building 7 was not imploded until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Just think that Larry Silverman had the code to destroy the towers plus the building #7 adjacent to the towers where their control room was located. He could not have been within any of those 3 buildings when they were imploded so he had to be either on the street doing it with a cellphone or in another location within sight of the 3 buildings that fell. When he said "I am going to pull it", he had to be out of the building at that time. No members of the Zionist owned press will ever ask any of these important questions. The same person that pulled building No. 7 also pulled the twin towers, let us face fact. Liberty University it reported to have expelled a group of students that started a new club of Democrats saying Christian principles and the principles of Liberty University cannot be served by Democrats. So many Republicans hide behind religion and political idols. Fox propaganda News reporters say water boarding is not torture but they know better. Thank you for printing the letter to the editor that Thermite was founded in the World Trade Center dust which proves it was deliberately planned and imploded and only could have been planted by the Israeli Mossad specialist with the knowledge and consent of the U.S.. This makes the Nazi Reichstag false flag act of 1933 look like child's play. If they are really trying to reduce population by 80% and deliberately destroy America they are on target. The redistributing wealth argument will not hold up because Bush's bailout tarp was the real redistributing of the wealth from the poor to the rich. More of Obamas stimulus is going to the poor but giving pennies to the non taxpayer will never redistribute the wealth. It is designed more to stimulate the economy because the poor spend every dime. The increase in gasoline prices is redistributing the wealth and this is the Rockefeller's contribution to Memorial Day, it is to gouge the poor for higher prices. There has not yet been any real change because we still have the wars going on and until the NSA is stopped spying I will not see any change. We even still have Guantanamo and the powers that be will not allow it to be closed. The secret order clubs are still in charge. The Dick Cheney Gang 'Project for the New American Century' specifies "A catastrophic U.S. event" in their manifesto such as "A new Pearl Harbor" "May be necessary to trans-form the nation into more of a world policing (warmongering?) mode". Know the enemy! "This right-wing neocon cast right out of the White House, State Department, Department of Defense in September 2000 included Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney Condoleeza Rice, Richard Perle, Karl Rove, John Bolton, Douglas Feith, Richard Armitage, William Kristol, Lewis Scooter Libby, Elliott Abrams, Robert Kagan, Michael Ledeen, and Henry Kissinger the alleged godfather. This false flag or casting the blame maneuver, was far from novel with 9*1*1". These 15 characters are the axis of evil. I am disturbed to see a hard-line they are digging in the ground on the Republican issue praising Dick Cheney for keeping us safe when we know he has done no such. He is now desperately trying to save himself from trial for war crimes in The Hague for torture. I have known for years that Rush Limbaugh was 90 percent gasbag. Today you find most of the right-wing Republicans in church such as is but I do not mean by that that they are right rather I mean that they are deceived. General Powell was the last administration's hero and they used him to sell the war to the United Nations. Powell has never recovered from that being used as a turkey of bloody political sacrifice. I have heard enough of the Pat Robertson's misconception of Israel and constant campaign to attack Iran. We have not learned our lesson yet from the failed war in Iraq. 500 detainees was already released under B*us*h, only 220 remain and only 20 of those do they have a sliver of evidence against.